Julie’s 5 for 5

Created by Julie 27th November 2023 This event has closed


Five years ago today we were told that Maisie had leukaemia. Five years ago today my life changed. Five years ago today I changed. Grief is complicated to say the least and I’m still learning. It has been a long process to get to this point and I’ve found one thing that helps me is finding things that feel worthwhile and important. Challenges keep me occupied and give me a sense of purpose as I’m raising money for charities that help so much. There is so much emotion and pain wrapped up in this that I don’t share but I do want you to know how much it means. There were places, people and support for us that I’ve never shared - places, people and support you’d never even consider existed until the day you need them, but death and cancer shouldn’t be a taboo subject. Often words fail me but sometimes now I’m able to articulate my thoughts. I’ll try to share so you can see why I do these challenges. My 5 for 5 starts today on the anniversary of Maisie’s diagnosis and will take me through her months of treatment, palliative care and what would have been her 8th birthday 🌈💕 Helen and Douglas house relies heavily on donations and public support, so I’m taking on these challenges to raise awareness and much-needed funds for this wonderful children’s hospice as it continues to provide support and help other families who face every parent’s worst nightmare. And, of course, to remember my beautiful Maisie.


10 Peaks

13th July 2023
Maisie was with me every step of the way 💕

5 weeks in!

13th July 2023
I'm 5 weeks into my 'Five for Five' for Maisie challenge, which started with my 5 minutes of burpees a day. Whereas the other challenges will have something to share from the event - crossing the finishing line, hopefully not singed feet from the firewalk - I'm sure you don't want to see me doing burpees daily, so here's proof that I'm doing it and that it's far from easy! Tracking my heart rate during my burpees shows this, yellow means that I’m working very hard, red means that I’m about to collapse! 🥵 So far, over 5 weeks, 35 days, 175 minutes, based on my average daily burpee count, I'm approaching 4,500... 😲 ... I don't want to think about how many more to go! I’ve hiked 45 miles as part of my 10 peaks training, in most weathers now! All good prep for the mountains. 🗻 I’m a bit anxious about adding the running training in but I think it can only help with the 10 peaks. Thank you so much to those who have donated already. If you can spare anything to help me though that would be amazing. Maybe £5 for 5 minutes and I’ll think of you whilst I’m doing my burpees!